Summer Term Newsletter 2021

Message from the Principal

I am extremely proud of Ormiston Park Academy and how our students, staff, families and community have so efficiently and effectively adapted to everything that this academic year has presented to us. It has been a tremendous group effort since September and I truly believe that we have developed as an academy in so many different ways across the year despite the challenges that we have faced. This is a true testament to the very high aspiration that we have for all of our students and is combined with abundance of resilience and creativity our staff team and student body have. These are key academy values that we live by daily.

I hope that all of our families can have a safe and restful summer break and that our students return to the academy in September both refreshed and enthused for learning.

We all very much look forward to teaching in September. Thank you for the continued support for the journey we are on as Ormiston Park Academy and for the positive feedback that we receive. It is very much welcomed.

You can download the rest of the newsletter using the link below