Applications for in-year admissions are considered in the same way as those made at the beginning of the academic year and are dealt with in accordance with the local authorities Fair Access Protocol. In-year admissions forms can be obtained from
Students included in the Fair Access Protocol will take precedence over those held on the waiting list. Once a student has been identified for admission to the academy under the Fair Access Protocol the academy will notify the local authority within seven calendar days of the decision to accept or refuse the student’s admission. It the academy refuses entry, the local authority may request a direction from the Education Funding Agency (on behalf of the Secretary of State). The academy will set out its reasons for refusal in writing to the local authority within 15 calendar days (for CLA this is reduced to seven calendar days) and may make further representations directly to the EFA (these will be made within seven calendar days). The decision of the Secretary of State will be binding upon the academy.