Extra and supra curricular

Beyond the Classroom: Extra and Supra Curricular Learning

At Ormiston Park Academy, we value the importance of the extra and supra-curriculum.  We provide students with a wealth of enrichment opportunities to extend and deepen their knowledge. 

Students are encouraged to explore new experiences, discover new talents and to ‘Believe and Achieve’. An extensive extra-curricular timetable is in place to enable students to achieve beyond the classroom.  

The Arts

We are proudly committed to our Arts provision which develops all aspects of a child’s growth.  Our musical theatre productions provide students with a wealth of opportunities ranging from set design, technical lighting, to playing in the orchestra, taking a leading role or directing the performance.


For many at Ormiston Park Academy, sport is a powerful, sustaining passion. Ormiston Park Academy is hugely successful in many sports. 

Our Basketball prowess is nationally and internationally renowned and enriches the experience of many of our students.  

Our links with Aveley Football Club ensure opportunities for aspiring footballers and past students are now players in the sector. 

For others, sport is just one part of their Ormiston Park journey; a way to bond with peers, or a chance to switch off at the end of a busy day and an opportunity for fun and collaboration.