
Destinations of Academy Students

All students at Ormiston Park Academy are encouraged to make informed, individual progression decisions. At the Academy, we support our students in whatever pathway they choose and this has led to successful destinations to further education, employment and apprenticeships. Our destination information is updated on an annual basis.

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  • 92 students secured college placements.
  • 5 students secured apprenticeships.
  • 2 student full time employment with no structured training.
  • 2 students did not secure further provision (NEET).

Despite COVID-19 and its impact upon education, there has been a continued downward trend of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) students, further enhanced by an upward trend of students remaining in full time education.


  • 72 students secured college placements.
  • 2 students secured apprenticeships.
  • 2 student full time employment with no structured training.
  • 3 students did not secure further provision (NEET).

In 2018–19 there was a downward trend of NEET students, further enhanced by an upward trend of students remaining in full time education.

Ormiston Park Academy-

Through data analysis we found that our destinations data continues to see an upward trend despite the current climate. This means that our CEIAG provision for students is effective and the heavy emphasis and importance that is placed upon it is worthwhile. However the evidence also supports our need to work with key groups of students at OPA who often underperform. This includes supporting their career aspirations, college applications, and broadening their horizons.

What is an appropriate destination?

An appropriate destination will be different for every student and is determined by a range of factors, for example: attainment (or predicted attainment) and aptitudes; subject choices; hobbies and interests; career aspirations; skills and talents; and the labour market. This complexity means there will be several appropriate options for each student. It is therefore important that the student has considered the range of options available to them, which is supported by our extensive CEIAG provision.

Measurement of Impact

Ormiston Park Academy identified attitudinal outcomes as well as impact measures such as a downward trend in NEET statistics and improved outcomes. Students have reported that CEIAG provision had affected their aspirations positively.