Careers Guidance

The Quality in Careers Standard Award

Ormiston Park Academy is working towards The Quality in Careers Standard Award. Our aim is to gain this award by July 2025. It is a national award that shows we provide a good quality of Careers Education and Guidance at Ormiston Park Academy. 

Careers Advice and Guidance at Ormiston Park Academy

Quality Assurance

​At Ormiston Park Academy we are committed to ensuring that our Careers provision meets all the current guidelines for good practice, in order to prepare and equip our students for their future careers.

​We measure and evaluate our programme via the Quality in Careers Standard and the 8 GATSBY Benchmarks.

​There is a statutory duty to give independent careers guidance for all students from Year 8 onwards and the Government also recommends that all schools should work towards the National Quality in Careers Standard. OPA offers a range of activities to introduce students to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school. The academy works very closely with a number of different providers to ensure every opportunity is given to our students and to make them aware of all that is available to them.

GATSBY Benchmark

​1. A stable careers programme

  • A programme of careers education and guidance within tutor time for all years and careers education will also be part of PSHE lessons for all pupils.
  • Information about future study options and the labour market is available to students at Open Evenings, through the National Careers Services and through the Independent Careers Adviser to give impartial advice on careers and future opportunities, as well as workshops/assemblies/lessons and with our partnerships stakeholders such as Inspire Thurrock and Make Happen.
  • We provide students with opportunities within the Academy to have direct contact with employers by hosting careers drop in talks. We have invited in parents and local companies and training providers to speak with students about their experiences or their careers.
  • Students will also have the opportunity to attend a variety of careers fairs and events, whether this is off site or at school. These events allow our students to meet employers as well as people from colleges and universities.
  • In addition, as noted previously we have strong links with Inspire Thurrock and Make Happen how offer a wide range of support and opportunity to students.

​2. Learning from career and labour market information

  • To identify the needs of our students in regards to careers guidance, all students are entitled to an appointment with our external careers adviser in year 10 and/or year 11.
  • If individual students speak with staff such as their Tutor in regards to their future aspirations, staff members can use these conversations to identify any further guidance and support the Academy can give to the student.​​

3. Addressing the needs of each student

  • To address the needs of our students, we use the Compass Plus tracking website. After analysis of information on the tracker, we organise trips, events, workshops, lesson content, assemblies based on the data that has been returned. These events will be organised and then aimed towards those students/groups of students who would benefit the most in the event.

​4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • To ensure that careers are incorporated into the curriculum learning of students, we follow the career development plan, once curriculum information has been input by Curriculum Leaders. The information displays the links of the students’ learning to any careers possibilities or opportunities. An Action Plan will be written by each curriculum area for how they wish to develop this further.

​​5. Encounters with employers and employees

  • Our students can potentially have a huge amount of encounters with employers and employees. We will record all of the encounters via Compass Plus, so that we can target students who may not have engaged in any activities and events. Students may attend, trips, assemblies, workshops we attend careers and educational fairs.

6. Experiences of workplaces

  • To ensure that our students experience the workplace whilst they are still school age, we are looking at the potential of all Year 10 students participating in work experience. This provides them with experiences of the workplace and insights into the career path that they may have an interest in.​

7. Encounters with further and higher education

  • The Academy invites apprenticeship providers into the Academy to talk to students about apprenticeships this is hosted by Inspire Thurrock and also includes a wide range of follow up activities and support for students, including how to find and apply for apprenticeships, through assemblies and specific talks. We also welcome and actively organise University talks and visits, this is hosted by Make Happen and again includes a wide range of follow up activities and support for students.

8. Personal guidance

  • We have a level 6 Careers Adviser, students will be offered at least one appointment during year 11. If a follow up appointment is required that can also be organised.
  • Parents and carers are welcome to attend careers appointments with their sons/daughters and after school appointments are available.

Ormiston Park Academy Provider Access Information, Advice and Guidance Statement

​This complies with our legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997 (known as the Baker Clause). Student entitlement – Students in years 8-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evenings, assemblies, group discussions and careers fairs.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses through the mentor programme, workshops and seminars and via our independent careers adviser.

The Careers Department plays a full and active part at Ormiston Park Academy; its aim is to prepare students for work by:

  • contributing to raising their achievements and motivation
  • raising their awareness of their current and future life choices
  • enhancing their skills in coping with future transitions
  • enabling their access to Higher Education
  • developing skills and talents for employment


  • Year 7 & 8 is all about developing self-awareness, Aspirations, Goal and Target setting. These sessions are delivered through our PSHE programme.


  • Preparation for Option Choices during mentor time and assemblies including how to research careers and identify skills and qualities needed for different jobs
  • Options Evening provides subject specific information, advice and guidance
  • Access to careers drop-in sessions during break and lunchtimes


  • Access to one to one careers guidance with independent and impartial Careers Adviser
  • Make Happen Events
  • Inspire Thurrock events
  • Opportunity Thurrock event.
  • Careers Fair
  • University Visit
  • Employer engagement events and mock interviews


  • One to one careers guidance available with independent and impartial Careers Adviser
  • Guidance available with Tutors, HOY and members of the SLT
  • College application support
  • College statement support
  • Apprenticeship assembly
  • Higher education assembly
  • Further education information
  • Support available on GCSE results day

​Evaluation and Review

At Ormiston Park Academy we believe it is important to regularly review the careers programme and the information, advice and guidance that we offer our students. A formal review of the programme is undertaken at the end of the academic year by the careers team which considers the views of students, parents and other stakeholders. These views are sought throughout the year as events take place and are evaluated. Our curriculum provision for students is assessed and evaluated in the same way as all other lessons within the academy. Finally, Compass Plus, Unifrog and Gatsby tracking tools provide strong evaluation and analytics tools for future development.

As always, we welcome feedback regarding our provision please contact our careers lead Ms Montgomery ([email protected]) 01708 865 180

​Parent Information

Raising the Participation Age

All young people are required to continue in education or training until 18. This doesn’t have to mean staying in school. Students can choose to study or train in any of the following ways:

  • Stay on full-time in a school, college or with a training provider (many young people also do a part time job alongside this)
  • Work or volunteer full-time, together with part-time accredited education or training
  • Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship

Useful information can be found on the following website links:

Job Exploration

Labour Market Information

 Work Experience

Job Applications (CVs, applications and interviews)

​Jobs and Apprenticeships

OAT Futures

​For more information about Apprenticeships, click on the document below:

​Essex Apprenticeships Guide, click on the link;


Volunteering and Social Action

Upcoming Events

Why not try out the Careerometer…

Careerometer is a useful tool which enables you to compare working hours and average wages of job roles in the UK that you’re interested in pursuing.
You can find information on a variety of careers from engineering to public services, hair and beauty, marketing plus much more!


Our Provider Access Policy can be found on our policies page.