Exam Preparation

Revision in school

Year 11 students have access to the OPA11 study area before and after school, and during both food breaks, for silent studying and the use of computers for coursework and online revision materials. We keep a range of revision guides and workbooks for students to borrow whilst using the study area.

All year groups have access to the school library and our weekly subject area homework/revision clubs.

Revision at home

Your teachers and heads of subject areas are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to which resources will best help you to revise for each of your subjects.

Make good use of the revision materials you are given in school and keep everything in organised folders at home, so that you can keep them and refer back to them when preparing for your exams. Make sure you know the best books and study guides to get, ask your teachers for advice on which ones you should invest in.

Ormiston Park Academy keeps a range of different revision guides and workbooks in stock for you to purchase at a discounted price. Order forms can be collected from the main reception or from the OPA11 study area. If you are a low-income family, speak to or email Mrs. Thacker who may be able to help support you financially.

The impact of homework

This is especially important as it can determine being put up (or down!) a set. It can mean (for coursework subjects) that you already enter exams with half of the assessment completed. So when you revise for tests you will improve and ultimately achieve the higher grades. Higher grades open more doors.

Year 10

It’s never too early to start your revision preparations! Invest in some revision guides now and start using them! Ask your teachers for lots of past papers and mark schemes so you can test yourself! Why not try some GCSE papers with a member of your family and see how you both get on!

Year 11

Useful online resources

Health and nutrition are essential for effective revision and study

  • Exercise: 68% of boys and 41% of girls (13 to 15 year-olds) achieve the recommended 60 minutes per day.
  • Fluids: The recommendation is to drink 6 to 8 glasses/day (1.2 litres) to prevent dehydration and headaches.
  • Food: Eat a balanced and varied diet. Eat little and often and not after 11pm .
  • Sleep: 85% of teens get less than the minimum requirement of 8½ hours of sleep.
  • A problem shared: Do not suffer in silence, we have all been there!
  • Stress/anxiety: Speak up, we have lots of strategies we can recommend.
  • Work/life balance: Be realistic and always leave time for yourself. Be kind to yourself, this period of time will come to an end eventually.

British Nutrition Foundation