Spring Term Newsletter 2021

Message from the Principal

It has been a very positive return to full school opening. Huge credit needs to be attributed to our students and how they have seamlessly aligned to the academy routines. Our students look like they are enjoying being back on-site, seeing their teachers, resuming their onsite learning and being with their friends again. This is really pleasing to witness.

OPA Leadership Team and staff are very much looking forward to Summer Term 1 and Summer Term 2, in regard to providing a rich and vibrant academic curriculum, with some really good wider extra-curricular opportunities including DofE and CCF. I would like to strongly encourage all of our students to take up an extra-curricular club over this period of time, to not only enjoy doing something that like but perhaps develop other interests and skills after what has been a really chequered year regarding opportunities. We will also be aiming to offer some other interesting events as the term goes on, COVID19 permitting of course. More information to follow.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done and continue to do at home and at work while we journey through this pandemic. It has not been easy for anyone. But I firmly believe that there is light at the end the tunnel and it is our joint responsibility to support our children to come out of this challenging time with additional skills, so that they are actually more resilient, stronger minded and better equipped to deal with what hurdles life may put in front of them in the future.

Take care and keep safe.

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