Year 11 Study Leave Information

Dear Parents/Carers

Re: Year 11 Study Leave Information

I would firstly like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 11 students on how well they have adjusted to the cancellation of the 2021 GCSE Exams and taken on the assessment process that we have undertaken throughout this summer term. The majority of our students have taken these assessments seriously which is testament to their maturity. I would also like to thank my staff for the tremendous amount of work they have undertaken, largely behind the scenes, in order to comply with all JCQ and individual exam board requirements. Staff have had to prepare and mark assessments, moderate and then standardize to ensure fairness + equality prior to submission of grades; firstly, to Ormiston Academies Trust for an additional layer of scrutiny, and then to the exam boards.

Monday 17th May 2021 will be our last timetabled GCSE assessment capture day where we formally gather Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) evidence which then will be submitted to the exam boards. As such from Tuesday 18th May 2021 all of our Year 11 students will be on formal Study Leave, which will mean that they will not come into the academy unless directed to do so and this will only either be on an individual or small group basis. There will be a mix of learning provision available for them until Friday 11th June 2021.

This is the range of Study Leave provision that Year 11s will undertake from Tuesday 18th May – Friday 11th June 2021:

  • Onsite missing TAGs assessment completion – by individual invite only
  • Onsite invite ‘keeping in touch’ welfare meetings – by individual invite only
  • Onsite next steps careers / college advice meetings – by individual invite only
  • Offsite welfare home visits and telephone welfare meetings – by individual invite only
  • Offsite weekly MS Teams Tutor Group Time Catch Up with Tutor – for all students
  • Offsite Oak National Academy Remote Learning college bridging work directed by Subject Curriculum Leaders for all subjects via MS Teams – for all students

If your child receives free school meals (FSM) you will receive an email with a voucher during week beginning 24th May. The voucher be for 14 school days FSM entitlement up to and including 11th June 2021.

Mrs Thacker (Assistant Principal) will send an additional communication in regard to a summary of specific TAGs information including; our TAGs policy, the range of evidence used, an indication of the level of achievement of your child across their subjects and the appeals process. We are not permitted to provide the actual grades that the students have achieved which will be submitted to the exam boards.

Please do not hesitate to contact the academy if you have any queries.