A very warm welcome to the new academic year 2021-22

31st August 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

A very warm welcome back to everyone returning to the academy later this week or next week.

I trust that all of our families have kept safe, have managed to have a good break over the summer, and are suitably refreshed and looking are forward returning to their learning.

If I may speak on behalf of my staff and my senior leadership team, having been in contact with many staff over the summer break in preparation for our return; we are all very keen to commence the new academic year and to resume teaching our students.

Following on from previous communication, please note that our student return dates are as follows:

  • Friday 3rd Sept 2021 – Line Up at 8.20am
  • Mainstream Year 7 + 11 and ASCEND Year 7 + 11 return only
  • Monday 6th Sept 2021 – Line Up at 8.20am
  • Mainstream Year 8 + 9 + 10 and ASCEND Year 8 + 9 +10 return (as well as Mainstream Year 7 + 11 and ASCEND Year 7 + 11)

As always, I thank you for the continued support that you provide for the journey that we are on as an academy journey and also for the kind feedback that we receive. This is always very much appreciated and shared with the staff team. If you do have any questions or queries about the return to school or about anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do all we can to provide the necessary information that you require [email protected] .