Government Update on Face Coverings

Dear Parents/Carers

Re: Government Update on Face Coverings

You will be aware that on Monday the Prime Minister made an announcement relating to the use of face coverings in schools and colleges as well as the reintroduction of trips and visits. I have received formal notification from the Department for Education (DfE) and outline below the changes which will take place from Monday 17th May 2021.

The use of face coverings
From Monday 17th May the Department for Education (DfE) has recommended that there is no longer a need for students to wear a face covering in classrooms or in communal areas. Face coverings are also no longer recommended to be worn by staff in classrooms. However, it is recommended that staff should wear a face covering in areas outside of a classroom where social distancing cannot be maintained. This includes corridors, staircases and communal areas.

As Principal of Ormiston Park Academy, my view with COVID19 must be one of safety and of a cautious approach. Should a student, teacher learning support assistant or member of support staff wish to wear a face covering in a classroom (and around the academy site if a student) then this will of course be permitted and supported.

Obviously the hope is that we will not need to reintroduce the mandatory wearing of face coverings in the future. However, the reintroduction of face coverings of students and staff may be advised for a temporary period in response to a localised outbreak, including variants of concern. This will be dependent on guidance provided by the government and Public Health.

Trips and visitsSchools can undertake domestic residential education visits from Monday 17th May. Students should be kept within their consistent groups (bubbles) during the visit. The Senior Leadership Team will be considering which domestic trips and visits can take place in the near future. We expect to receive an update on international trips on or after 5 September 2021.

I will of course update you should any of the above change. I wish to thank you all for your continued support and it is great to be moving closer to our normal way of life at Ormiston Park Academy. Please do not hesitate to contact the academy if you have any queries.